Launched of e-Performance & Development Review System (e-PDR).
Launch administrative functions to school / department to enquire and extract thesis examination information.
Launching the PG Admission System for 2018-19 Entry with enhancement on application forms and administration functions.
Launch Expense Reimbursement System for pilot users to claim non-travel related expenses online.
Launch Grant Management System (GMS) for Research Office (RO) to streamline and support all research administration activities.
Launch “RPG Graduation Survey” function to RPG students, school and department administrators.
Authorized managers can now view job related information of his/her sub-ordinates.
Authorized users in dept/office can now view HR analytics.
Function to auto-generate CDCF Staff Grade base on pre-defined rules / specific value for special cases.
- System enhanced to include IP clearance section in the e-form for declaration and approval.  List of Thesis Examination Information with IP clearance is sent to TTC automatically. - New function to school to send chairperson invitation letter.