ECM (Enterprise Content Management) Workshop

To continuously having 'ECM - Sharing and Paperless' be planted to HKUST users, and using case sharing to trigger their thought of possible usage of ECM.


  • Overview
  • ECM Statistics
  • Benefits of digitization
  • Case Sharing – Centralized Policy Update
  • Case Sharing – Centralized Legal Agreement / Agreement Dashboard update
  • Case Sharing - Research Document Scanning and Document Sharing
  • Case Sharing – P-File Scanning and Process Automation
  • ECM Roadmap
  • Q&A

(i) Staff members gaining a comprehensive understanding of how ECM can serve as a potential solution for end-to-end space management.

(ii) Users realizing the automation capabilities offered by ECM, leading to more efficient task completion.

(iii) Encouraging and inspiring users to actively engage in strategic planning endeavors, leveraging technology to enhance their work further.

Target Audience

(i) Individuals seeking to adopt a paperless approach to maximize space utilization.

(ii) Users in search of more efficient document retrieval and sharing methods.

(iii) Users looking to enhance the efficiency of their work by integrating existing applications (such as SIS, HRMS, FMS, GMS, and SharePoint) with ECM.

(iv) Individuals curious about the future of work and how ECM fits into it.

(v) Anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of ECM technology and its capabilities.


Language: Cantonese

3:00PM - 4:00PM

To register